How We Play Certain Gametypes at L.I.N.C. Wars.
3-15 free-for-all: each player has three lives. each time they are shot, they lose a life. to respawn each life you must count to 15sec out loud and say "player" once you are active again. in free for all, you are against everyone and only one person may be victorious.
3-15 team death-match: same 3-15 rules apply as above, but this time it is two teams versus each other.
Bounty Hunter: this is a variation on the 3-15 team deathmatch. two teams are made up of 2/3 of the people present. the remaining 1/3 are in the middle. the teams carry pistols while those in the middle carry primaries. these are the bounty hunters.
you must run up and tag/shoot one of the mercenaries to have them be on your team. they cannot do anything for 10 seconds. after that, they have to obey your every command.
BH are what you would call "immortal", but they only have to be hit once by an enemy to be turned to an enemy. game ends when one side takes out the other teams lives.
capture-the-flag: in this game people have unlimited lives. once hit you must go back to a predetermined spot that is different than where the flag is. players must count to 15 and yell "player" to come back in. the flags are usually bright shirts or handkerchiefs to be hidden in a general area. game ends once one side has both flags.
if you are shot while carrying a flag, drop it where you were shot. it cannot be returned to its base.
Juggernaut: one person starts out with a very good primary+ class blaster. the rest of the people have pistols. they each have two lives and the juggernaut has as many lives as they all do combined. goal is to take out the juggernaut.
Zombie: have a deck of cards on hand. sort out so that you have one card per person. there should be one ace in these cards. hand one card out randomly to each person. the person that gets the ace is the zombie. everyone carries blasters (usually pistols) around. the zombie must drop their blaster before they can tag anyone. if the zombie gets shot, they lie down on the ground for 10 seconds before getting up and resuming tagging.
Hunger Games(one hour or less game): all blasters are put in the middle of a circle of people as a cornucopia. larger blasters in the middle, smaller pistols on the outer edges. standard 3-15 rules apply. teams are allowed but only one person may be victorious.
here at Nerf Infineon, we always want to go big and as such will be hosting a several day event over the summer for this but on a much grander scale.
Wildcard: a 3-15 team deathmatch with a twist. there are two wildcard players who owe no alleagiance. they usually have something like a foam sword to hit people. thing is... they deliver instant death with their hits. they also have a 10 second respawn time rather than 15. they are also immortal, meaning they cannot die in the game only be stunned. "Death for all!"
3-15 squads: teams of 4 with three live fight each other. goal is to be the last squad alive. teaming with other squads is frowned upon, much like teaming in free-for-all's. this is best for larger groups of nerfer, otherwise it is basically team deathmatch.
freeze-tag: two teams. if you are shot, you are tagged and cannot move. being tagged by a team member brings you back in. tagged by an enemy and you are eliminated. this one can take a while.
Siege: smaller team defends a defendable site; larger team tries to break in.
Attackers must complete on of these goals: a) kill the multiple-respawn defenders. B) capture the flag at the center of the base; must return it to their spawn point. if killed while carrying it back, attacker must drop it. both sides may return it to their base.
defender goal: kill attackers, protect flag.
more to come...